
Kako iskoristiti umjetnu inteligenciju u vašem poslovanju Dobrodošli na blog agencije Axpri, vodećeg pružatelja usluga inkorporiranja umjetne inteligencije u poslovanje. Ako ste ovdje, vjerojatno tražite načine kako da iskoristite umjetnu inteligenciju u svom poslovanju. Na pravom ste mjestu! Što je umjetna inteligencija? Umjetna inteligencija (UI) je područje informatike koje se bavi stvaranjem inteligentnih strojeva sposobnih za …

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Will AI Models like chat-gpt be able to replace coders or Product owners more easily?

It is unlikely that AI models will completely replace coders or product owners in the future. While AI models are capable of automating certain tasks and providing insights, they are not capable of the creativity, problem-solving abilities, and nuanced decision-making that humans possess. Coders are responsible for writing the code that powers software applications, and …

Will AI Models like chat-gpt be able to replace coders or Product owners more easily? Read More »

UX and digtal success

Why UX Design is Crucial for Creating Successful Digital Products When it comes to creating successful digital products, user experience (UX) design is key. UX design focuses on the user’s experience of a product, from how it looks and feels to how it functions. In this blog post, we’ll explore why UX design is so …

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Product Discovery

The Discovery Phase of Digital Products: A Guide to Building Successful Products The discovery phase is a crucial stage in the development of digital products. It’s where ideas are explored, user needs are identified, and the project is scoped out. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the discovery phase of digital …

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Agile Scrum

Agile Scrum: A Guide to Efficient Project Management Agile Scrum is a project management framework that helps teams deliver high-quality results quickly and efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Agile Scrum and how it works, as well as its benefits, and tips for implementing it in your own projects. What …

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